Eir, a goddess and valkyrie in Norse Mythology, is associated with medicine and specifically, with helping us return to health when we’re ill or depleted.

Little did I know, a few years ago, how in need of her energy I was. While maintaining a fulfilling, yet demanding, full- time career in fashion I found myself in a precarious position—my father was terminally ill with cancer and I had a young daughter at home who needed her mom to be present. Being there for both of them, along with my husband and dog, took me away from tending to myself. I fell apart.

Through the help of a friend I found my first herbal teacher, my practitioner, and mentor to this day—Rachel Koenig.

Rachel showed me how to support and restore my reserves through diet, herbs, and lifestyle practices. She helped me build myself back up and was a loving catalyst to my journey with the plants.

I set off to educate myself, completing the three -year clinical program at The Arborvitae School of Traditional Herbalism. 

Eir Herbal was born in the fall of 2022.  

Thank You for being part of her story.